Saturday, February 2, 2013

Home Study, Part 2

It’s been a few months since I've last posted and people are beginning to ask again how the adoption process is going.  In a word – slowly.  And it’s not due to any problems with our home study agency or our placing agency; it’s a matter of timing – birthdays, holidays, busy seasons and whatnot.  But now we’re back on track and getting things accomplished.

During the past few months, Sam and I have completed three of the four required interviews for our home study.  As you know, the first one wasn't nearly as catastrophic as I was envisioning it to be.  The other two interviews were as equally uneventful.  Stephanie, our case worker, met with me and Sam individually.  She asked questions about our childhood, our parenting styles, our values and beliefs, how we met, what is our reason for adopting, etc.  She even asked what we thought our spouse’s weakness was.  Sam’s response:  “Her arms.”  So yes, it’s also her chance to see what our personalities are like in a relaxed environment.  Thankfully, she’s as laid back as we are and also has a sense of humor.  Our goal is to complete our final interview during February and hopefully have the rough draft sent to our placing agency for review at the end of February. 

Meanwhile, Sam and I have to complete our 10 credit hours of online education and get CPR certified.  The online courses go over topics like learning to recognize signs of grieving and loss in your adopted child, especially one that may be older and has been adopted internationally; learning to recognize attachment disorder, which can be common in children that have been in many foster homes and haven’t learned the importance of attaching to a parent; what to expect when becoming a trans-racial family; and addressing medical issues for international adoption.  After reviewing each topic, we are tested online and given a certificate of completion, which will be included in our home study and our dossier packet.  We also have to be CPR certified, which will be a good review since the last time I went through CPR training was when I was in swimming lessons as a kid.

Sam and I went to get fingerprinted for our State and FBI background checks, and two out of the three of us have completed our physicals.  Ahem, Sam, anytime you want to get that done would be great.  So that’s where we’re at right now.  After we get our home study complete, the next step will be submitting an I-800 form, which will explained more in a future blog.

As always, you can ask us anything about the adoption process.  This is exciting for us, so we’re happy to talk about it!  And if you’re interested in contributing to our fund-raiser, please visit  Any more updates, I’ll be sure to let you know!

1 comment:

  1. Laurel,

    I have an adoption fundraising idea I'd like to share with you. Could you email me at


    Matthew Lee
